
More cats than people

I have four cats. The first one was found with a injured mother that did not want to feed the baby, so I have gave her the bottle. She is my baby Micha. Because she was alone, we decided to adopt Lola… that at the end was Lalo. It was one of the babies of my daugther’s friend kitten.

Lalo is a high maintenance cat, because he fall dow the balcony (intelligent eoungh he learned to open it, and stupid enough he just jumped down) so he needs his massage, medicine, etc.etc. There is a hate/love relationship between Micha and Lalo, He lives her, she hates him (as she hates all the cats actually) We were living two years in the Philippines and because I saw so many cats on the street, I decided to adopt one. And here is why Muning (Kitty in Tagalo) came home, but one week later the teacher of my daughter found a baby kitten on the garbage, jut days born, and because I know how to feed a baby cat, my dauther propose her mother to take care of the cat, of course.

First Muning was very jealous and we were affraid she would harm the tiny kitten, but then she got her heat and she realized that Kiko was like his baby. She teached him to clean himself and now they are very close. However, because Kiko wanted to link my finger to sleep, I gave him teddy bear. The result is that until now he liks his ”mamita” to sleep. He insist of puting the teddy bear on my belly so he can liks while I am caressing him. And that is how we are a family with more cats than people. Lalo is very Nordic, big and beautiful and Kiko, the last one, very Philippinean, so litle, he seems 6 months and is two years now. Sometimes is complicate (specially during hollidays, but I canot imagine my life without them
